Pre-Enrol for our next available Electech Skills Bootcamp!

Tech Lancaster is currently taking pre-enrolments for our next Electech Skills Bootcamps (level 3) which will run in 2024 and 2025 depending upon demand and our future programme. If you would like to be the first in the queue to enrol please complete the pre-enrolment form below.

If you are interested in joining our trial Semiconductor 2 System Skills Bootcamp please visit

    Question 1 - Personal Details

    This helps us understand why you want to participate in a training programme

    Question 2 - What area of Electronics Manufacturing or Design are you interested in?

    Area of Interest:

    It is important that you understand the different work areas in the industry. Here is a summary:

    • Production Operative - Entry level role assembling PCBs and systems

    • Production Technician - More experienced role testing PCBs and systems

    • Design Engineer - Advanced role designing circuits and PCBs

    • Embedded Software - Experienced role developing custom software for production or design use

    • Other - You have another role in mind not listed - please add in comments below

    • Not Sure - We will contact you with more information on how to find a suitable role relevant to your skills

    Question 3 - Have you had any work experience in a practical/technical role?

    How many year of practical or technical experience do you have?

    What was this role and describe the day to day tasks you performed

    Question 4 - What is your highest level of formal education?

    In order to ensure you get the most suitable support on the programme we need to understand at what level of formal education you have gained. If you are not sure please check (will open a new window). Some example ones are listed below however please check if unsure:

    • No Qualifications - no qualifications but possible other experience

    • Entry Level - entry level award, Skills For Life

    • Level 1 - GCSE/O-Level - grades 3,2,1 or grades D,E,F,G

    • Level 2 - GCSE/O-Level - grades 9,8,7,6,5,4 or grades A*,A,B,C

    • Level 3 - A-Level, level 3 NVQ, level 3 diploma, BTEC, Advanced Apprenticeship

    • Level 4 or above - HNC, level 4 NVQ, Degree

    Question 5 - What are your top three relevant skills and strengths?

    Please tick your best three skills or strengths. Please chose carefully as we will ask you further questions on your choices:

    Question 6 - What do you want to achieve from this course? How does it fit into your career plans?

    Please attempt to explain in as much detail as possible as this will be used as an important piece of information to assess the application.

    Question 7 - What is your employment status?

    What is your employment status?

    If you are in paid employment:

    Who is your current employer?

    What is your job title?

    Question 7 - Equality and Diversity Monitoring

    The following information helps us understand if our organisation is reaching diverse and minority groups. More information on ethnicity groups can be found at Gov.UK here.

    Ethnic groups include the following:

    • Asian or Asian British - Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Chinese, Any other Asian background

    • Black, African, Caribbean or Black British - (African, Caribbean, Any other Black, African or Caribbean background

    • Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups - (Black & White Caribbean, Black & White African, Asian & White, Any other mixed background

    • Other ethnic group - (Arab, Any other ethnic group)

    • White - (English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British, Irish, Gypsy or Irish Traveller, Any other White background)

    (You can scroll down in the box below and hold down "Ctrl" key and click to select multiple lines if appropriate)

    Question 8 - Additional Information

    If you would like to provide additional information please upload your CV, 2 pages maximum

    (Upload File must be PDF or DOCX format and 2MB maximum size)

    Click next to upload file

    Last Question !

    You are about to submit your application. On receipt we will evaluate your submission and confirm by email and/or SMS that we have received this pre-registration. To complete the submission, please read the information regarding data protection below, if you agree check the box and submit.

    Data Protection - Tech Lancaster are registered with the ICO for Data Protection and GDPR Purposes. Data will be securely held and processed in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Your personal data will only be processed by Tech Lancaster Limited for the purposes of administering this training programme. No personal information will be past onto 3rd parties without your explicit consent.

    I wish to share my personal information with Tech Lancaster