Learner Declaration Congratulations! You have been selected to participate in one of our Skills Bootcamp programme! To help start your journey with us we first need you to complete a Learner Declaration which should take 5 minutes of your time.Why do I need to complete this form? The rules for UK Government funded Skills Bootcamps require all enroled participants to complete a Learner Declaration. This allows you to confirm that you have received all needed information, are eligible for this bootcamp and informs you of data protection and whistleblowing rights. Please read it carefully and sign where indicated using either your mouse (if using a PC without a touchscreen) or your touchscreen (if using a mobile phone or tablet). You can also opt-in to be contacted by the UK Department for Education (DfE) in order to help assess the quality of our bootcamps and understand our participants. This helps Tech Lancaster continue to demonstrate the effectiveness of it’s bootcamps so we would really appreciate it if you could allow contact for feedback.Do I need to do anything in advance? The Learner Declaration is an agreement which you can sign electronically on this online form, you just need to read and accept the conditions. Once you submit the declaration a copy will be emailed to you at your email address you supply in the next step.[cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-1 "Next" ""]Learner Declaration I confirm that I have received information, advice and guidance concerning the Skills Bootcamp entitled Skills Bootcamp in Electech (Electronics) delivered by Tech Lancaster. This included information about the course, its entry requirements, the expected workload of the course, number of guided learning hours (both taught and self learning) and the support* available to me. *for example, soft skills (or work readiness) training to support the occupational skills training, vacancy/role/opportunity identification, providing pastoral services to help participants complete the Skills Bootcamp and follow-up services to participants and employers to support job placement mentorship, pastoral support) and high-quality advice and guidance to support the learner into a positive employment outcome (for example, CV writing support, mock interview).I am clear what I will achieve by completing this Skills Bootcamp and agree to attend an interview with an employer (for a job using relevant skills gained from the Skills Bootcamp) arranged for me by Tech Lancaster (unless I am self employed, or learning with the support of my existing employer and they are contributing to the cost). I agree to provide all data and information requested by the provider on behalf of the Department for Education (DfE) to inform evaluation of the Skills Bootcamps programme and I confirm that the information I supply will be true and correct to the best of my knowledge. This includes my income information before the Skills Bootcamp and afterwards when I achieve a positive outcome. I understand that Tech Lancaster has the right to cancel my enrolment if it is found that I have provided false or inaccurate information. I also agree with the below points relating to my chosen programme: I will:Take appropriate responsibility for my own learning, development and progressionAttend and participate in the training required to successfully complete the Skills BootcampPromptly inform Tech Lancaster and employer if applicable, if any matters or issues arise, or might arise, that will, or may, affect my learning, development and progressionRespond to and engage with follow-up communications from Tech Lancaster following completion of the training component of a Skills Bootcamp, and during the next six months, to record progression as a result of the courseTake responsibility to share evidence requested by Tech Lancaster, to allow Tech Lancaster to prove the effectiveness of this Skills Bootcamp to the DfE I agree that this information can be used to process my data for contractual requirements, in particular to the disclosure of all the data on this form or otherwise collected about me to the DfE for the purposes noted in the Privacy Notice which I have read (it can be viewed here - https://www.tech-lancaster.org.uk/digital-skills-bootcamps-privacy-statement)Fields marked with * are mandatory*Participant Signature: Use mouse or touchscreen to sign. Click Clear to reset. *Participant Full Name: *Date Signed (Day Month Year): *Participant Email: Please progress to the next step to confirm privacy and whistleblowing information[cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-2 "Back" "Next" ""]Privacy & Whistleblowing If you are not satisfied with any aspect of your Skills Bootcamp and wish to raise a complaint you should do so in the first instance with Tech Lancaster by emailing support@tech-lancaster.org.uk with full details of your issue. If you are not satisfied with how your complaint has been dealt with you may write to DfE through their Whistleblowing and Complaints process.Whistleblowing involves entering a 'whistleblowing' webform on the 'Contact the Department for Education' page, which can be found here: Contact the Department for Education - DFE Online Forms here - https://form.education.gov.uk/service/Contact_the_Department_for_EducationWhistleblowing submissions for Skills Bootcamps must be clearly marked 'Skills Bootcamps'. They will be submitted via the DfE's whistleblowing submission process and will be escalated to the DfE Skills Bootcamps policy team for response. I confirm I have read and understand information regarding the DfE Privacy notice and the Complaints and whistleblowing procedureOn occasion participants may be asked to take part in qualitative interviews and or surveys to understand their experience of participating in a Skills Bootcamp. This is optional and your preference can be changed at any point in the training programme. Please select if you would like to opt in or out of being contacted by the DfE for feedback:I am happy to consent to contact from the DfE and would like to opt-inI do not want contact from the DfE and would like to opt-outClick Submit to send your Learner Declaration[cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-3 "Back" "Step 3"]