Welcome to the Electronic Skills Programme !

Congratulations and welcome on board! We are excited that you will be joining us on our Skills Bootcamp in Electech (Electronics) and are looking forward to getting to know you over the next few months. We want to make this a really beneficial learning experience for you and hope that you will get to love electronics as much as we do! We now want to get you ready for the upcoming workshops with a short survey and registered on our learn platform !

Why More Questions ?

In order to help support and understand our participants journey through the bootcamp, we ask questions along the way to help you get the most out of the bootcamp. The registration survey is not assessed or scored, will take around 10 minutes and has questions on your familiarisation with the electronics industry, your approach to learning, your IT setup and emergency contact details. These questions are to help our tutors get to know you better ! Once you have sent this information you can proceed to our Learn platform to complete registration.

Key Information

After completing the survey/registration below, please regularly check your email for further instructions. The online introductory workshop dates are currently:

Monday 31st October 2022 – 6pm-8.30pm – ESP3A

Tuesday 1st November 2022 – 6pm-8.30pm – ESP4A

Thursday 3rd November 2022 – 6pm-8.30pm – ESP3A & 4A Mixed

You will be notified separately regarding which group you should join and will be supplied a Google Meet link to access the online session. Please ensure you have taken time to read the quickstart guides that will be supplied in email attachments and if possible have registered on the learn platform.

    Electronic Skills Registration Survey - 1 of 5

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    The Electronics Industry - 2 of 5

    How familiar are you with the electronics sector and how the industry works?

    Would you be interested in industry visits e.g. company/factory/workshop tour

    (if yes please indicate days of week which are usually convenient)

    Have you heard about any of the following companies in local media, from friends or anyone else?

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    Online Tools, Learning - 3 of 5

    How confident do you feel with using online web conferencing tools such as Google Meet for online workshops?

    How confident do you feel with using Online Learning Tools and Services

    If you have previous experience please state e.g. Open University OpenLearn, Coursera, edX with courses undertaken

    The online workshops will require the use of a computer with a webcam or a phone with a camera to enable active participation in the workshop session. Workshops will be hands-on interactive, including building breadboards and other activities with instruction with a pre-supplied kit that will be sent to the address used to register. You will need a small space to work which will be demonstrated at the first workshop. Please select below:

    If you have any concerns with IT ability and access to equipment, or accessibility difficulties please do not hesitate to talk to us about this and we will do our best to help.


    We are currently gauging interest for some extra activities and services. In our previous bootcamps we discovered that participants wanted to speak to industry mentors 1-to-1, work together and support each other in learning activities

    Would you be interested in being assigned an industry mentor ? Mentors are currently working in industry and can help provide useful career tips

    Would you be interested in getting together with other bootcamp participants for a face to face meet and greet in Lancaster?

    (if yes/maybe please indicate days of week which are usually convenient)

    Would you be interested in becoming a “participant helper”. If you feel confident and capable Tech Lancaster will give you extra support to help others learn on the programme which is recorded on your completion certificate and counts towards professional development.

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    Workshop Activities - 4 of 5

    Our aim in the programme is to build confidence for beginners, but also to advance quickly those already with some experience.

    How confident are you undertaking practical work e.g. with small electronic components such as resistors, breadboards, digital voltmeters or similar detailed (and sometimes fiddly!) work in a past job or as a hobby:

    Explain past experience:

    Tech Lancaster Workshop Disclaimer!

    Tech Lancaster workshops and activities may involve working with hazards, some of which will be detailed in the introductory course. Electronic parts, technology, and tools if misused can cause fire, burns, injuries via sharp edges, and other similar risks. Participants at all times must follow direction from tutors or instructors, any other signage/instruction, follow Tech Lancaster Rules of Participation (see website), and endeavour to learn in a safe and professional way. Safety is our priority at all times. Failure to comply will result in immediate dismissal from the course and will be recorded.

    Whilst Tech Lancaster takes steps to ensure the safety of its participants, accidents can happen and Tech Lancaster accepts no responsibility or liability for any damage/loss of property, personal injury or any other liability related to Tech Lancaster activities. If you agree enter your name and today's date.

    Also so we can act quickly if you have a medical emergency during our workshop sessions, please can you provide an emergency contact name and number that we can contact on your behalf. If you have a medical condition that impacts your participation you should have already notified this during enrolment - please get in touch immediately if you have not done so.

    Emergency Contact Name

    Emergency Contact Number

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    Learning Portal - 5 of 5

    In order to create an account on the online learning portal (MOOC) you will need to register with the email address you used during enrolment. This email address you use will also be printed on any certificates issued and will be sent to employers who may wish to interview you.

    If you have used an enrolment email address that you would be happy to have shared you don't need to take any action and after clicking submit below you can proceed to register/login to your account at learn.tech-lancaster.org.uk/register following the quickstart guides supplied.
    If you would like to use a different email address than the one you provided on enrolment please include below and click submit below but please wait for a further email to confirm we have changed your email address before attempting to register on the learning portal.

    Submission Complete !

    That's all we need to know for now! If you have any problems getting set up please feel free to email the support@tech-lancaster.org.uk email. We hope to speak to you soon !

    I wish to register for workshop and learning activities ! I accept the risks and terms detailed in the Tech Lancaster Disclaimer and I agree to adhere to Tech Lancaster Rules of Participation (see website). I confirm I have declared any known medical condition to Tech Lancaster that may impact on my safety or the safety of others.


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