Join our new Skills Bootcamp in Electronics, PCB and Firmware Development !

Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of semiconductor to system and PCB design? Whether you’re an aspiring engineer, a seasoned professional looking to upskill, or a tech enthusiast eager to explore cutting-edge technology, our new upcoming “Semiconductor to System” Skills Bootcamp could be your gateway to success. 

Tech Lancaster is currently working as part of a UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) programme to develop a new Skills Bootcamp with the aim of helping participants gain skills around “Semiconductor to System”.  We are currently looking for trial participants to help us develop this important Skills Bootcamp and become our trailblazing first cohort through this new and exciting programme.

Semiconductors are utilised within most technology products, and their effective integration into technology systems via electronics design, printed circuit boards (PCBs), embedded firmware and effective testing underpins our digital world.  On the proposed skills bootcamp participants will learn a number of key skills, gain knowledge and behaviours that will enable them to excel in new roles in the UK semiconductor-driven sectors, helping get the technology into tech products and into the marketplace – from helping design Green/Clean Technologies to the Internet of Things.  

A number of key learning areas will include:

– Advanced Electronics Design

– Designing Firmware with professional tools

– PCB Layout

– Testing and Regulatory Compliance (EMC and Cyber)

This 12-week course will be developed to Level 5 – with knowledge and skills gained in the “bootcamp” format that would be learned in part of an equivalent level 5 qualification (e.g. foundation degree) over a longer period of time.  This 12 week bitesize learning aims to give participants an intensive experience that will provide a springboard to either employment or further learning, with self study and guided learning (both virtual and in-person).

To Pre-Register Trialist Below !

Register below to be the first in the queue to enroll in our Skills Bootcamp later in 2024

    This helps us understand why you want to participate in a training programme

    Area of Interest:

    Level of Qualifications

    What is your employment status?

    The following information helps us understand if our organisation is reaching diverse and minority groups. More information on ethnicity groups can be found at Gov.UK here.

    Ethnic groups include the following:

    • Asian or Asian British - Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Chinese, Any other Asian background

    • Black, African, Caribbean or Black British - (African, Caribbean, Any other Black, African or Caribbean background

    • Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups - (Black & White Caribbean, Black & White African, Asian & White, Any other mixed background

    • Other ethnic group - (Arab, Any other ethnic group)

    • White - (English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British, Irish, Gypsy or Irish Traveller, Any other White background)

    (You can scroll down in the box below and hold down "Ctrl" key and click to select multiple lines if appropriate)

    If you would like to provide additional information please upload your CV, 2 pages maximum

    (Upload File must be PDF or DOCX format and 2MB maximum size)

    Click next to upload file

    To complete the submission, please read the information regarding data protection below, if you agree check the box and submit.

    Data Protection - Tech Lancaster are registered with the ICO for Data Protection and GDPR Purposes. Data will be securely held and processed in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Your personal data will only be processed by Tech Lancaster Limited for the purposes of administering this training programme. No personal information will be past onto 3rd parties without your explicit consent.

    I wish to share my personal information with Tech Lancaster